Building the World's Leading AI Development Platform

Why we started Lleverage

We experienced first hand that building with AI is not as simple as it appears it to be. We'll take it one step further: building production grade pipelines with AI is hard. In our previous company, we saw this up close. For the biggest part of the development community, it's simply new. And the tools & frameworks are immature, which means they need time & effort to figure out. Which can be frustrating and time-consuming.We wanted to solve that. So we started Lleverage.

Badr Eddial, founder. @badreddial
Lennard Kooy, founder. @lennardkooy

Want to join us?

We're always looking for talented individuals to join our team.Initially in Europe first. We're a small, tight knit, group and want to keep it that way for now. So you have to be able to join us physically initially. Other than that. If you're awesome at doing something that would supplement our team, you're welcome.

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Make your mark

We're building this platform for product & dev teams. We want to make sure their faces lighten up when they talk about Lleverage.

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Take ownership of projects and lead innovation in AI-powered solutions, driving real impact across industries.

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Work with great people

Collaborate with a talented, close-knit team that values creativity, knowledge sharing, and growth.

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Work remotely

Enjoy the flexibility of remote work, with the freedom to balance your professional and personal life.

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Build developer tools

Help create cutting-edge tools that make AI more accessible to developers, empowering teams worldwide.

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Work with AI

We're building this platform for product & dev teams. We want to make sure their faces lighten up when they talk about Lleverage.

Things we feel are important

A great Dev experience

We're building this platform for product & dev teams. We want to make sure their faces lighten up when they talk about Lleverage.

Build for scale

We want our users to feel confident to put whatever they created into production. At any scale.

For AI with AI

AI can be awesome in helping users get to results (a lot) faster. So we use it to guide you throughout the journey.

Request a demo

Our Lleverage experts are happy to give you a personalised walkthorough.

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Get to know us.

Discover how Lleverage can empower both your team and your product to tackle challenges effectively.

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See Lleverage in action

Explore Lleverage's capabilities or discuss various scenarios tailored to your needs.

Test Lleverage in your company

Experience Lleverage's capabilities firsthand and receive guidance on how the platform can address your challenges in a limited trial.

Get started

Let us assist in rolling out Lleverage within your company, providing support and empowering your development team. Now, every developer can be an AI developer.